Order 66 - 5013X
Who is 5013X?
Two high school best friends who have a love for engineering, being competitive, building robots, and conquering challenges. We get to develop dreams, skills, and grit in competitive robotics, working late nights and giving our 100% best. Our operations are based out of All Nations Community School, special thanks to them for all the paperwork and facilities. 5013X was founded in 2023, and we have learned so much since then. We are excited for the upcoming VEX Worlds robotics competition, the final competition of the season and the biggest one in the world, with hundreds of the best teams from all around the world competing to be crowned champion.
Caden Martin
Caden Martin is our lead documenter producing the notebook and innovate submissions. Co-builder, helping with CAD designs and construction of the robot, and Drive Coach, assisting in tough decisions during a match. Caden excels in logistical thinking skills and mathematical perspective.
Scott Davidson
Scott is our lead builder, programmer, and driver. He takes ideas and turns them into reality from the design stage to testing. Scott excels in his quick thinking and problem-solving abilities. His quick thinking helps with making split-second decisions in a match and problem solving helps him overcome tough challenges when building and programming the robot.
More about our team.
5013X is a small team, but has become one of the best in the state and recognized as a dedicated robotics team in the Houston Texas area. We strive for excellence in all that we do and our goal is to be among the best of the best in the whole world. Every day we creep closer and closer to that goal. To learn more about what we do, see the "VEX" page: